It’s been a while, I know. I’m sorry. I was working on a blog post about something else, but life got in the way, and I’m bringing you this offering instead.  When we grow up and have babies we have no idea the enormity of what we are taking on, in my opinion. Circumstances and […]

Our Broken Hearts

I hang on to bananas. I do. When they get too brown for anyone in my house to be willing to eat, I put them in the freezer. We have a favorite banana muffin recipe so I save them to make muffins. (Tell you what, I’ll put the recipe at the bottom of this post […]


“…when pain is over, the remembrance of it often becomes a pleasure.” Jane Austen, Persuasion Originally, this entry was just a post on my LinkedIn page. I wrote it because I was moved to do so, and it felt so uncomfortably vulnerable that I immediately wanted to take it down. I lost some sleep over […]

Let them look.

If you’re a fan of The Office like me, you will be familiar with the episode where Manager Michael quits and HR Toby asks, “Now what?” and compares Michael to a movie on a flight that ends too early and there’s nothing left to do. That’s a little how the beginning of 2022 has been […]

Now what?

Trisha Ingalls

What if people don’t like it? What about my reputation? What if this is the wrong path? What if my instinct was wrong? What will people think?  In my last blog post (which was also my first blog post) I likened branching out into coaching to skydiving – terrifying, exhilarating. A little nuts? But the […]

Getting Through (In)Security

Have you ever attempted to do something that felt like such a Big Deal that rather than plunge ahead with all of your energy and enjoyment you actually avoided it?

It Takes A Village