Now what?

If you’re a fan of The Office like me, you will be familiar with the episode where Manager Michael quits and HR Toby asks, “Now what?” and compares Michael to a movie on a flight that ends too early and there’s nothing left to do. That’s a little how the beginning of 2022 has been feeling for me and a lot of people I talk to.

I get the distinct impression that any discussion here about COVID-19 variants and waves and boosters and masks and mandates and protests will go over like a lead balloon – honestly, for good reason. COVID fatigue is here and it’s for real. Instead, let’s talk about what is actually within our control.

The most important thing within our control in January 2022 is how we show up. With work weirdness and possibly kids at home trying to learn and gestures vaguely around at the general languishing of real life and bursts of true awfulness that happen daily it might seem tough to show up with joy and purpose these days.

But you can.

Maybe not every day, maybe not all day, maybe not every time you need to, but your ability to stay calm and find contentment in daily life is a muscle you exercise like any other.

Take a moment right now and breathe in to the count of four… hold for a count of four… and exhale to the count of four. That’s a box breath. Take a few more. Plant your feet on the floor while you do it and close your eyes. Pay attention to the sound closest to you. Keep breathing.

Did you notice how different it feels to take deep, deliberate breaths compared to the shallow breathing you were probably doing before? Breathing, even for just a few minutes, gives you time to transition from doing to being. Those mindset shifts will make you a more insightful and joyful leader in your job and your community, and will help you be present in your life in new ways. At what points in your day can you remind yourself to breathe?

I find profound joy in the deep listening of coaching, and because I’m trained as a healing-centered coach, I often begin each session with a brief breathing or mindfulness exercise. I invite you to experience the transformational power of coaching, so that when everyone else is asking, “now what?” you will be the one fully immersed in the pleasures of the now.





Now what?







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